Live-Interactive Projection Mapping Tool
[ Producer ]
Other Team Members (CMU ETC Side):
Keyin (Quoey) Wu - Programming
Jiajian Zhang - Programming
Kyungseo (Chloe) Cho - Artist
Shuyue (Stefani) Wang - Artist
Project Advisors:
Moshe Mahler
Heather Kelley
Project Overview
The goal of this project is to deliver African myths and stories related to African Cosmology and Philosophy through live-interactive projection mapping. We created this tool to track four dancing performers on a stage, and then project multiple visual effects back onto their bodies. This is a project in collaboration with Pittsburgh-based Artist: Mikael Owunna and the Rainbow Serpent Collective.
For more project details, please visit our website.
Mikael Owunna.
Mikael Owunna is a Nigerian American multimedia artist, filmmaker, and engineer. Exploring the intersections of technology, art, and African cosmologies, his work seeks to elucidate an emancipatory vision of possibility that revives traditional African knowledge systems and pushes people beyond all boundaries, restrictions, and frontiers.
Performance: The Four World Ages
The Four World Ages, which is the theme of the performance, comes from African Igbo Philosophy that divides the world into four different ages:
Uga Aka - Age of Unity and Oneness
Uga Chi - Age of Awareness and Separation
Uga Anwu - Age of Sun, Light & Civilization
Uga Azi - Age of Suffering, Backwardness

As the producer of the project, my responsibilities include:
1. Communicating with collaborators, the project team, and faculty advisors.
2. Establishing Project Timeline and Milestones, and making weekly plans (15 weeks).
3. Scope and Risk Management
4. Provide the collaborators with creative solutions to technical difficulties with the help of programmers and artists.
5. Documentation of the project: archiving media assets such as videos and art, organizing meeting notes and other documents, and updating the website.
6. Marketing: conducting interviews with different departments, shooting and editing the trailer for the project.

Project Organization Structure

Project Timeline

Meeting Notes

Communicating with Collaborator

Risk Management
Interview with Artists:
Project Overview (Video) :