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Installation in two rooms, Various found objects, data presentations in different scales.


Live audio feedback devices, TV, live-stream devices, maps, collected objects, etc.

A durational performance art that is done in a group of four artists. During the 13 days of the project, each artist is assigned to stalk and surveil one other person in the group. After the stalking period ended, the group presented their collected information and objects.

ds[120, 120, 90.] mks[(180403-180416)] ps[01:30:00] // dl[] ml[]

aud[0.] int[1.] ima[1.] olf[1.] tac[1.] tas[0.] vid[0.]

[WEI] // DS


SY-CRT stands for SY CREATIVES. This website is a digital repository of Sy Suo’s artworks and designs. It is the foil website to the STM-DS18.COM. It serves for both portfolio and business purposes. All rights reserved. 

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